What is the Boosters club?
-- WLHS Boosters is a parent-led, non-profit volunteer organization that raises money to support the athletics programs and extracurricular activities at WLHS.
Why do we need a Boosters club?
-- Running a high school athletic program is expensive! In Howard County, the HCPSS generously gives each high school $25K per year for athletics and extra-curricular activities, but that's still less than half of what's needed! Consequently each High School has a Boosters club that raises the rest. The WLHS athletic program costs about $75K per year to run. WLHS Boosters raises about $50K per year. Without Boosters, high-quality athletics programs simply couldn't exist.
Is Boosters the same as PTSA?
-- No, these are two completely separate organizations. Roughly speaking, PTSA covers academic enrichment, while Boosters covers sports and clubs. Families of student-athletes typically join both Boosters and PTSA!
Is Boosters the same as "Band Boosters" and "Fine Arts Boosters"?
--No, these are three completely separate organizations at WLHS. Roughly speaking, "Band Boosters" covers band and music, "Fine Arts Boosters" covers drama, choir, and dance, while Boosters covers sports and clubs.
I just want to write a check and be done. If I join, do I have to volunteer?
-- No problem! We completely understand that most parents/guardians do not have the time to get involved. Indeed your Family Membership dues are the most important contribution you can make to Boosters. If you do have time to volunteer, our main need for parents/guardians is working the Concessions Stand at home games. For those who would like to get involved at a deeper level, please consider joining the Boosters Board! Board members typically serve for a year, but any level of involvement is appreciated!
I joined Boosters last year, should I join again this year?
-- Yes! Annual Family Memberships should be renewed every year. Your Family Membership dues are essentially donations that form the backbone of the Boosters budget each year. Family Memberships can be paid at any time, but joining early each Fall helps us plan our budget for the upcoming school year. Whether your child plays Fall sports, Winter sports, Spring sports, and/or clubs, early Fall is the time to renew your membership each year. Spread the word...."Every Family, every Fall!".
What is Casino Night! ?
-- Held at Kahler Hall in early March each year, Casino Night! is our big annual fundraising event. We typically have about 200 parents/guardians, as well as some coaches and administrators in attendance. Catered food, open bar, live music, casino gaming, raffles, silent auctions, and more! This is a great way to celebrate the WLHS community while contributing to a great cause....the students of WLHS!
My child doesn't play sports; should still I join Boosters?
-- Yes! Boosters funds are used to support clubs, sports, and other extra-curricular activities at WLHS. Your Family Membership dues are essentially a donation that helps us enhance the overall student experience at WLHS.
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